Monthly Archives: June 2018

Haaretz Story on Amichai Windows

 Haaretz newspaper article on Amichai Windows עמיחי בחלוןA full-page feature story ran on June 21, 2018 in the Gallery section of Haaretz, a Hebrew-language newspaper in Israel.

It focuses mostly on the reasons for book artist Rick Black to have commenced this 10-year-project as well as Hana Amichai’s granting permission to use the poems.

The online version includes a few links to some wonderful video clips with Amichai in Hebrew. We do not yet have a translation of the article into English, but the headline reads, “Suddenly, Amichai is Peeking Out of the Window.”

The photo of one of the spreads is the first one of the artist book, “Eternal Window.”

Click here to see the piece online.

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Israel Radio Interviews Rick Black

On a visit to Israel in May for a book launch of The Amichai Windows at Tmol Shilshom cafe in Jerusalem, Rick Black had a chance to talk with Ron Nesiel, host of the show, “The Weekly Journal” on Kan-Reshet Bet.

As part of the 20-minute segment, Nesiel also spoke with Hebrew literature Prof. Avner Holtzman of Tel Aviv University about Amichai’s work and played a Yossi Banai song of an Amichai poem, I Told You That it Would be so and You Didn’t Believe.

A link to the Hebrew radio show is here; broadcast on Saturday, May 26, 2018, the segment begins at 42:30 of the hour-long program. For those who would prefer the English, a translation is below . . .

Ron Nesiel: We’ll stay with literature but go from prose to poetry.  In any case, we’re marking 60 years since the publication of Yehuda Amichai’s book, Two Hopes Away, which was published 60 years ago by HaKibbutz HaMeuhad in 1958.

Together with his first published book, these two volumes launched a revolution in Hebrew literature in the 1950s. A major motif of both volumes, but in particular of Two Hopes Away, is the window . . . and the motif of looking out and looking in a window is what inspired the creation of a new, extraordinary volume, The Amichai Windows. The creator is Rick Black, a former reporter for The New York Times in Israel. He was here this month and presented his new book at Tmol Shilshom café in Jerusalem, the same café that Yehuda Amichai used to visit. It took Black ten years to complete this project.

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Filed under Hebrew Poetry, Media Coverage, Yehuda Amichai

Jerusalem Book Launch

Tmol Shilshom Book LaunchThe book launch of The Amichai Windows at Tmol Shilshom cafe in Jerusalem attracted a standing room only crowd.

Most of the evening was in Hebrew but I gave a slide show in English. The program also featured Hebrew Literature Professor Ariel Hirschfeld of Hebrew University and Hana Amichai.

My thanks go out to so many people who made the evening possible including but not only Hana Amichai, David Ehrlich, Ariel Hirschfeld and Naama Shahar. And, of course, to Arieh Rudnick who took all of the photos and granted permission to share them.

Hope you’ll enjoy the photo show . . . !

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Filed under Exhibitions and Programs, Hebrew Poetry, Yehuda Amichai

Library of Congress

I am proud to announce that the Rare Books and Special Collections Division of the Library of Congress has purchased one of the 18 copies of The Amichai Windows. It still needs to be catalogued but will be available to the public soon.

Pictured here is Mark Dimunation, the chief of the collection, with an open enclosure of our artist book in front of him. He’s holding up a copy of The Magic of Bookmaking, a book that my brother Bruce Black made for me.

The book documents a day in photos of my printing in the letterpress shop at Pyramid Atlantic Art Center in Maryland. You can take a look at a video of it here.

Mark Dimunation, chief of the Rare Book and Special Collections Division

Mark Dimunation, chief of the Rare Book and Special Collections Division

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Filed under Yehuda Amichai