“A Light By The Window” Photos

Here are some photos from the exhibition “A Light By The Windows,” in which all 18 spreads of our artist book, The Amichai Windows, were on display at Pyramid Atlantic Art Center in Hyattsville, MD.

After Rick Black’s artist talk, we had a wonderful panel discussion with Helen Frederick  and Judith K. Brodsky — and lots of questions from the audience.


Rick Black in front of the spread for the poem entitled “56”

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Artistic director Gretchen Schermerhorn of Pyramid Atlantic introduces the panelists.


Viewing the spreads of “The Amichai Windows”

Judy, Rick and Helen

Rick Black with Helen Frederick to the left and Judy Brodsky to the right.


Debra Band, who did papercuts for the book

Rick by show entrance

Rick Black by the entrance to the exhibition

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