Tag Archives: Amichai Links

New Books on Yehuda Amichai

A couple of new books have recently come out about Yehuda Amichai.

First, the publication of Robert Alter’s new book,  The Poetry of Yehuda Amichai, is a compilation of a variety of previous translations as well as many poems that have never been translated into English before. Alter, who is the preeminent Hebrew literature translator and critic, has done a fine job assembling all of the poems together in one volume, old and new. Plus, he has added an informative introduction that places Amichai’s work in the context of modern poetry and contemporary Hebrew literature. Continue reading

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Filed under Hebrew Poetry, Translating Amichai, Yehuda Amichai

Amichai links

As I’m getting started with this blog, I wanted to compile some Amichai links for you about his life and work.

Here are the Amichai links that I have found so far. I’ll post more Amichai links as I become aware of them. In the meantime, I wanted to give you a brief description of the Amichai links so far: Continue reading

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Filed under Hebrew Poetry, Yehuda Amichai