Monthly Archives: August 2015

Amichai links

As I’m getting started with this blog, I wanted to compile some Amichai links for you about his life and work.

Here are the Amichai links that I have found so far. I’ll post more Amichai links as I become aware of them. In the meantime, I wanted to give you a brief description of the Amichai links so far: Continue reading

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Filed under Hebrew Poetry, Yehuda Amichai

The Amichai Windows

Welcome to The Amichai Windows!

It has been quite an adventure since I began some eight years ago — well, really more than eight years ago depending on when you begin counting. If you start from my first becoming acquainted with Amichai’s writings, then you have to go back to the 1980s. When I first got a copy of Amichai’s poems in Hebrew, Aschshav BeRaash, from a dear friend, I never dreamed that I would meet him and his wife, Hana. Or that I would ever become a book artist myself and publish some of his poems years later. Continue reading

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Filed under Hebrew Poetry, Yehuda Amichai